School violence and crime is on the rise. the need for schools to offer Bioenergetics for Academic Achievement & Self-Esteem (BAASE) classes is more evident than ever. This class offers students the opportunity to understand the inner workings and affects of their emotions upon their body. BAASE helps students to express feelings, while teaching them how to neutralize the stressful ones. When students are given affirming experiential practices, they learn ways to express emotions and release their stress; they can become more peaceful and better focused; their self-confidence increases.
Violence: What Schools Can Do
For schools and educators, the question of how to tackle this complex issue inside the classroom comes with no easy answer.
School bullying linked to poorer academic achievement
Students who faced bullying for much of their time in school had the greatest risk of low achievement and engagement.
School Violent Crime and Academic Achievement
Maintaining a safe and supporting learning environment is essential for students to trust each other and their teachers.
Cause and Effect of School Violence
There is more to school violence than initially meets the eye.
Florida shooting
There have already been 18 gun-related incidents at American schools in 2018!
Texas Shooting
The Santa Fe High School Shooting in Texas Was the 22nd School Shooting This Year.
How mass school shootings affect the education of students who survive
What happens to these survivors a year, or two, or three later?